How to create a Backup in Plesk Panel.

1. Login toPlesk

2. Select your domain.

3. Select Backup Manager.

4. Click on Back Upoption.

5. In this Backup contentsection, you can decide which data to include in the Backup. In that, the Domain configurationis backed up automatically. You can choose to include or exclude Mail configuration and content and user files and databases.


6. You can choose the type of backup from Fullor IncrementalBackup. A full backup includes all data and can be restored independently. An incremental backup contains only the files that were changed since the creation of the latest full backup.

7. In the Backup settingsoption, you can add a comment to the backup and configure the backup settings such as excluding some files from the backup, suspending domains, during the backup process, or sending notification on email when it is completed.

8. Click on OKto create a backup. This process requires some time and once done you will see a green tick with the date of creation.By clicking on the download arrow you can download the created backup file on your local machine.


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