How to Block or Unblock a specific IP Address from cPanel

Please follow below steps for Block or Unblock specific IP in cPanel.


  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Go to the Security section and click on IP Blocker option.



3.Under the IP Address or Domain textbox, add the specific IP address or range of IP addresses and click on the Add button.



4. After clicking on Add button, you will get a success message.


5. The added IP address or range of IP addresses will not be able to access your website.


For unblock a specific IP address, follow below steps,


  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Go to the Security section and click on IP Blocker option.


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3. Under Currently-Blocked IP Addresses,  click on the Delete  button to unblock the specific IP address.



4. Then click on the Remove IP button, and you will get a success message.



5. The removed IP address is now able to access your website.

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