How to add a global email filter ?

To create a new global filter, perform the following steps:

This interface allows you to configure how your server filters all of the emails that your domains’ email accounts receive. Using multiple, simple filters instead of a single large filter is recommended.

1.Click Create a New Filter.

2.Enter the filter’s name in the Filter Name text box.

3.Configure your filter’s rules and actions.

4. Click Create.

To edit a filter :

To edit an existing filter, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Edit next to the appropriate filter name.
  2. Make the desired changes to the filter.
  3. Click Create.

To delete a filter :

To delete a filter, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Delete next to the appropriate filter name.
  2. Click Delete Filter.

To test a filter :

To test your filter, perform the following steps:

1.Enter a test email message in the Filter Test text box.

Note:Include the characters, words, and conditions that you configured for your filter.

2.Click Test Filter. The Filter Trace Results interface will appear.

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